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A big thank you from Trevor
21-08-2007 | webmaster
For the last 28 years my wife Angie and I have been riding the deer farming roller coaster with those wonderful people who call themselves deer farmers. Along with our readers we've shared the unbelievable highs and terrifying lows which have characterised the industry.
We've travelled with deer farmers on some extraordinary journeys. Sung with them in piano bars in Dallas. Bailed one of them out of jail in Mississippi. Explored the sights and smells of the wet markets and oriental medicine markets of Asia. Travelled by open-topped limo through New York. Made a presentation to one of the highest ranked officials in the Chinese Government. Been ransomed in Xinjiang. Held under armed guard in Kazakhstan. Sipped vodka with former KGB officials. Seen Sir Tim's former farm in Siberia and drunk fermented horse milk with the new owner's wife. Visited some of the great deer parks of England. Sipped sherry with deer farmers in the cloisters of Cambridge University. Seen our venison, velvet and co-products in overseas markets and spoken to those who buy and sell them.
In New Zealand, we along with our writers and editors have been hosted by literally hundreds of farming families. We've visited your homes and heard of your concerns about the industry and your passion for deer. For their part, your deer have excited and intrigued us. They've also kicked, stomped and whacked us but that's a small price to pay for good venison steak.
Then there are the exporters and processors, the vets, consultants, stock agents and scientists who like us have made the deer industry their own.
For all of you you know who you are a big thank you. You have been great friends and supporters of The Deer Farmer and to Angie and me personally.
Even though we are moving on, we hope you will continue to support TDF. It remains New Zealand's only subscription-based independent farming magazine and only through your subscription and advertising support will it continue to arrive in your mailbox.
A big thanks is also due to the editors, associate editors, writers, photographers, ad sales managers and designers who have made TDF what it is. Would the following please take a bow:
David Yerex, Bernard Steeds, Brendan Hutching, Dionne Barton, Colin Williscroft, Jackie Bedford, Warwick Massey, Alan Thorley, Noreen Hegarty, Bill Knight, Bruce Banwell, Lyn McKinnon, Mike Harbord, Rik Hakkaart, Kerry Walker, Gilbert van Reenen, Anna O'Keeffe, Madam Whiplash, Riet van Koeverden, Paddy, Graeme McCaughan, Pete Bonner, Angie Fussell, Paula Te Kahika and Helen Wilson. Sincere apologies to anyone I've missed.
That's it from me. For now.
Good deer farming!
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